Thursday, September 22, 2011


So fall will be here tomorrow.  A time when my garden starts to peter out, my yard doesn't need to be watered as much, the kids are back in school and the neighborhood is quieter.  It is also the time when I start to recount what I accomplished during the summer and make plans for fall and the holidays.  A re-counting of sorts.  Of course my to do list and my completed list are very lopsided.  I am usually running this way, a day late and a dollar short.  Lately I have been on a knitting jag and have accomplished so many things, but have a large list of things I still want to do.  What is it about women that make us make such huge goals that we can't finish unless we become 10 people?  Oh well.

On the other hand, I got to go to a wonderful class reunion this summer and connect with so many old and new friends.  Family reunions were always fun and having our grandkids around is always a blast!  Our youngest grandson, Tyson, starting walking (or I should say running) this week and it makes your heart smile to watch the look of wonder on his face as he accomplishes each new thing.  And he is only 11 months old! 

Best of all, our huge garage is making progress.  We just finished the roof.  Next will be the garage doors, probably around Christmas.  Then a break to next spring and the final push to get it sided and the floor poured.  And we will have a wonderful new garage!  This has been a huge undertaking for my husband, but it is really turning out so wonderfully!  I am really proud of him!

Just to let you see what I have accomplished lately, here is a shawlette which is my first attempt at knitting lace and a knitted purse that I did as a challenge on Ravelry.  It actually was kind of fun, which I never thought I would want to do, but now I have plans to do another in the near future.  Guess another item just got added to the to do list!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


My cousin Cindy Olsen Starr died last Saturday.  She was 56.  I haven't seen her for years, but it really set me back.  When I was growing up, Cindy was 3 years older than me and I looked up to her and wanted to be just like her.  Later on we went to high school at the same school, Bonneville.  She was a senior when I was a freshman.  Around this time she started having some health problems and she had struggles over the next several years.  She married, had kids and tried to do everything right.  Sometimes she did. Sometimes she didn't.  But she never gave up trying.  That's what I remember most about Cindy, when she set her sights on something, nothing would stop her.  So rest in peace now, Cindy.  You can quit trying so hard.  You are in a better place and I look forward to the day when I see you again, free of all the things that weighed you down in this life!  Love you Cindy!

This is a link to obituary if you would like to know Cindy better.


Blogging issues

I have been trying to log on for two days to make an entry, but have had issues with my blogspot account.  Found out tonight that Google is changing from Google Page Creator to Google sites and that in the process you have to have a new host for your third party widgets.  I just spent 2 hours going through the steps to get this done.  Apparently, when you enable third party cookies and delete the history under Internet options, it is not making it through to AOL.  So I have yet another program that I have to log onto using the internet explorer.  I just thought I would let you know in case you are having the same problem.  I have made Google aware of it, but who knows when they may address it. 

On an up note, I am glad to be back!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A little knitting

We stayed home this weekend, worked in the yard, worked on the garage and just napped.  It was actually a very nice weekend.  I canned soom beans too, which I have been desperately needed.  Hope to get more.  My patch is late this years because we had to replant everything this spring!  Good Lord willing, and it don't freeze, we still should get what we need.

I also did some knitting!  I tried a shawl in a KAL on Ravelry and it stoked me, so I decided to try a fingering weight one that has lace.  I found this downloaded pattern on Ravelry and so I decided to try it.  In case you want to try it, it is the Holden Shawlette.  Anyways, I went and bought some nice yarn, Cascade Heritage, and started it last Thursday.  I spent about 2 hours a day as an average and I finished it yesterday.  So without further ado........................

I can't wait until this fall when I can wear it with my navy sweater and levi skirt!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

I am busily working along in my yard and my garden!  Canned 10 pints of beans today.  Also cleaning for the holidays, although I am not sure we will have anyone around to celebrate.  Maybe we'll take a drive, or go to the movies.  Not sure yet.  All I know is that Gene and I are both needing a relax break, so that's what this weekend will be.  Finish a few honey do's, take a nap, knit a little, cook!  Sounds like a plan, eh?

Hope you have a great long weekend! 
