Now I have to tell you about my grandkids! They came for our family Christmas party on Sunday night, the 23rd! Every year I give them all pajamas. Well this year their mom's got their jammies on them and I got to take their picture! Here it is! It was quite a trick to get them all in the picture, and in the end Jesson still didn't look at the camera, but he is still a doll! Anyways, here they are:
Maddie and Jesson are sis/bro, Conner and Bailey are bro/sis, and Sydney and Sarah are sisters! Aren't they adorable?
I was truly blessed this year! Not only did I get to buy a new computer, I got a Singer Futura embroidery machine and the Cricut software so I can hook it up to my computer! Since I am finally starting to feel better, I plan on keeping the next few weeks busy working with my toys! I will show you pics as I learn how to use them!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2007 is full of memories and 2008 is full of possibilities!
Have a great New Year!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Hey there, Chris! I am so slow getting back into the blogging life. Sorry I was not reading much. Got sick during Christmas, too. Massive ear infection. And then mega-arthritis pain for the last 2 weeks or so. Cold and humidity - oy!
Wow, great haul you got for Christmas! Love the knitting, too. And that computer! What a wonderful way to start the year. But I'm ready glad you got well. Don't quit taking care of yourself now. I've been relapsed on that stuff before, no fun at all.
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