Been a long time since I posted, eh? Well, at the beginning of November I got the creation bug and began to knit. I knitted a sweater for me, then began to crochet. And knit. I have made an afghan, crocheted 35 pot holders and knitted 11 wash cloths! I will take a picture and post tomorrow, but just had to tell you about it today! I have been knitting and crocheting in my dreams, it has overtaken my life recently!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We did! Had most of my family here and the dinner went really smooth. I was so organized, that it is scary! I should have taken pictures, because that will never happen again! I cooked a 26.5 lb turkey! I was afraid I didn't have a big enough pan for it and it wouldn't go in the Reynolds bag, but all was well! We have eaten turkey ever since Thursday! Last night I broke down and made a turkey pot pie, just so we could have something different! It tasted good! and thank heavens, Gene took the last piece of pumpkin pie to work with him!
Did you do Black Friday? I didn't! I did it once, about 10 years ago, and vowed never again! Actually, most of my shopping has been on line or at JC Penneys and Toys R Us! I am about 2/3's done now, hope to finish this week!
Actually, Gene and the kids went tree hunting in the hills and came home with a great tree! We do an artificial in the living room, which I really decorate up and then a big real tree in the family room, which is the family's to decorate! It has plastic ornaments and lots of candy canes on it! Completely kid proof! Anyways the artificial tree is going up tonight and the real tree will go up next weekend! We will be decorating our hearts out this week!
Saturday I did venture into Rigby (just a little town) and bought some garlands and a new nativity scene. We started a family tradition about 10 years ago that we buy a new nativity scene each year. They are all really different, but special! I will take a pic of them when we get them all out! Boy I owe you alot of pictures!
Go out and have a holly jolly day!