This precious bundle is our newest grandson, Tyson James Scott! He arrived a little early, on October 25, but weighed in over 8 lbs and is adorable and healthy. At last count he had passed 12 lbs and has the most kissable cheeks in town. Last Sunday we went to Kendall and Christy's ward to see him blessed. This coming Saturday we will watch his older brother, Conner, be baptized. It doesn't get any better than this! We are now up to four granddaughters (the oldest 10) and 3 grandsons!

On Tuesday we bacame official full time empty nesters. I go from being extremely excited about this to down in the dumps because I don't want to be done mothering. I have dreaded this day for 32 years. But it came anyways, so I plan on making the best of it. Here is my curmudgeon, Chelsea, in front of her new apartment. It is really cute and can you believe she has a washer and dryer IN her apartment? So spoiled! I always had to have change to go to the laundrymat!

This is looking from Chelsea's buildings onto the foothills of Pocatello. Not a bad looking view! And I bet she and Jarrica (her roomy from our ward) get deer close by, which will be like home!

This is the first thing Chelsea bought for her apartment when she got there. A bamboo plant. Interesting. She posted the picture sideways, so that's how you get it too. She said she needed something to take care of; this from the girl who complained about taking care of anything at home. I asked her if she had scizzors because bamboo grows fast.

Not a very good picture, I downloaded off Amazon, but you get the idea! Gene and I bought Kindles for each other for our anniversary back in October. I thought it was being frivolous at the time, but I have to tell you, this is so much fun! We have downloaded tons of books, including our scriptures and church manuals and it is so cool to pop it out to read. I have about 3 books I am switching back and forth in right now and tho I thought I would miss my paper pages, it is not a problem! Love it, love it, love it!

Again, not a great picture, but my wonderful husband got me one of these for Christmas! I have been a scrubbing fool ever since. With it and my steam cleaner, my carpets look wonderful! I love my spot bot!
Okay, so now you are caught up with my blessings recently, some material, but the most are my family, which is priceless!
The funniest thing is that my husband and I have a date on Friday night! And we don't even have to make sure that someone else is okay with it, has food for the night and entertainment of their own. Maybe this empty nester thing is okay!
Enjoy your moments!