Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Weekend

Here they are! My pics from last weekend! I attended the Express the Moment Conference on Friday and Saturday! It was so much fun! I got to spend the whole weekend with my oldest daughter, Tiffany! We left the families behind and even rented a room at the Shilo for the night. It was good for both of us to get away and it helped her and me to bond a little.

It also rejueventated my soul and got me scrapbooking again! I have completed 5 layouts since the weekend and am busily working on more! I promise to post a few in the coming days! I also will take pictures of the projects we did, so you can see them!

Kim Rose announced that she is buying the Scrap Coop, which has been one of my favorite stores! I think it will be a great match, a good store with her talent! I am looking forward to the grand opening of the Express The Moment Scrapbooking Store on July 1. Watch her website, www.expressthemoment.com, for more info.

One last thought, Christy Tomlinson came and spoke to us. She used to be with Chatterbox and now designs for a bunch of companies, including BHG. She really emphazied the importance of telling the real story when we scrapbook, not the cutsy sayings. She gave us examples of pages that she scrapped one way, but would do different now. And like Lisa Bearnson last year, she emphasied using our own handwriting and our own words, so the future generations will have a piece of us. Really moving!

So, whether you scrap, or just journal, or don't do anything at all, I would like to challange you to put a piece of you on paper, write about yourself and your family! You will be glad you did and so will your family!

So, Kim Rose, thanks for the wonderful weekend! Let's do it again next year!


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